Discord/TeamSpeak Channels Policy


This policy will cover proper use of ARP Discord and TeamSpeak channel's. It will define what is right and wrong and what content should be displayed within each channel. All assets attached or has the ARP name on them will be covered by this policy. Failure to abide by this policy will result in disciplinary action.

Section 1 - Discord

ARP has a multitude of discords within the community, there is the main discord, the public discord, the staff discord, every department has a discord, as well as some sub departments have discords. All members while in discords will follow all R&R which includes and is not limited to:

  • R&R 1 Respect and behavior ensuring we are treating members with respect and not talking down about them.

  • R&R 2 Community Assets which falls under the misuse of community assets which can include using channels incorrectly etc.

  • R&R 3 Misuse of power someone holding a rank and misusing it within the discord itself.

  • R&R 4 No self advertisement will be allowed within Community Discords.

  • All Rules and Regulations apply at all times when connected and using ARP Community Discord Servers. Any and all Private DM's do not apply to this policy

Use of the discords are for membership to discuss the community, discuss topics outside of the community etc. At no time shall another member talk down, talk bad, disrespect anyone within an ARP asset. If anyone is found doing such they will be warned either via verbal counseling and or written 10-90. If the member is a repeat offender they will be subject to a 10-93 and or termination. At any time there will be no hate speech, use of derogatory words/slang towards another person.

Types of Channels and what they are used for

Announcement Channels

Announcement channels are used for announcements. They are to be used when making an announcement for the community, department and sub department. They should be refrained from using the @everyone or @here and should go to a direct audience such as a tag assigned for people that want to be notified.

Notification Channels

Notification channels are to be used for notify membership of upcoming patrols, events, information that is not needed for an announcement etc. ARP has patrol notify, event notify, dev notify etc.

General Text Channels

General Channels are for general interaction within membership to discuss anything, the conversation can be about server or not it is for general purposes and for membership to interact.

Media Channel/Screenshot Channels

Media/Screenshot channels are posting ARP content such as clips, pictures or content of ARP assets either patrol or dev server. These are not used for posting memes, derogatory pictures, evidence etc. They are not meant for discussion if a discussion is needed use general chat if possible.

General Voice Channels

Voice channels are for general talking, they are to be used for talking amongst membership general conversations etc. Not to be abused by screaming, playing loud music, abusing soundboard, etc. Please refrain from holding private conversations due them being unlocked and anyone can join, use private voice calls for private conversation. Members may share their screen but they are not allowed to show any explicit content, if found to be displaying innapropriate conent they will face discplinary action subject to termination.

Staff+ Voice Channels

These channels are for Staff+ to conduct business within assets on ARP. They are meant for discussion amongst staff, and for staff to conduct investigations.

Log Channels

These channels are used primarily for Staff+ to keep an eye on operations and to keep a back log of information in case an investigation is needed.

Section 2 - TeamSpeak

ARP's TeamSpeak server is used for Patrol, official business and general chatting. There are a multitude of channels broken down in many sections. You have general voice channels, Patrol RTO Channels, Community Administration channels, Department channels. They are all to be used properly and if found in any violation of said R&R below will result in disciplinary action. The following are some examples of R&R Violations:

  • R&R 1 Respect & Behavior ensuring members are treating each other with respect at all times and acting appropriately.

  • R&R 2 Community Assets which falls under the misuse of community assets which can include using channels incorrectly etc.

  • R&R 3 Misuse of power someone holding a rank and misusing it within the TeamSpeak itself.

  • R&R 4 No self advertisement will be allowed within Community Discords.

  • All Rules and Regulations apply at all times when connected and using the ARP TeamSpeak Server. Any and all Private DM's do not apply to this policy.

Types of Channels and what they are used for

TeamSpeak General Voice Channels

Voice channels are for general talking, they are to be used for talking amongst membership general conversations etc. Not to be abused by screaming, playing loud music, abusing soundboard, etc. Please refrain from holding private conversations due them being unlocked and anyone can join, use private voice calls for private conversation.

AFK Channels

AFK Channels are use for being away from keyboard, please refrain from staying in the afk channel or idling. Please use this channel when stepping away from your computer at any time.

Patrol RTO Channels

Patrol channels are to be used when active in the ARP FIVEM Server. There are a multitude of channels to use when patroling. Some examples are Patrol* which is for actively patroling LEO and Fire & EMS members to properly communicate (This channel has a strict RTO policy it will be followed at all times), Other patrol channels include Department of Transportation, Civilian*(also a strict RTO channel adhere to civilian policies on how to properly speak in channel), TAC 1/2 and 10-1 Channels. 10-1 Channels are used to address problems, have a conversation pertaining to patrol etc. Please do not use RTO channels as general talk channels you will be removed from patrol if this problem arises.

Community Administration Offices

These offices are used for community administration to discuss community operations and conduct anything needed to ensure Auspire Roleplay runs at 100%.

Community Area

Community area is where community meeting rooms are, Staff rooms to conduct community staffing, HR room to complete anything needed by HR, and community onboarding rooms. This area is to be used for official uses only.

Department Offices

Each department is broken down into rank and sub departments, which also can include conference rooms etc. Departments will set which channels they want in TeamSpeak and all rules and regulations apply in all dept channels as well as dept regulations.

Last updated