Amendment Log

Rules and Regulations Amendment Log

  • Complete Rework of the R&R Structure and Format

  • Revision of Animal Roleplay (24.1)

24.1(a) Exemption

All law enforcement professionals with proper canine training are able to play as a handers canine under the below conditions.

  1. You shall avoid all unrealistic behavior, this means to keep all actions within the realistic realm of the world and do what a dog would do. A dog will not talk, drive, shoot, bite randomly etc.

  2. You shall act appropriate and listen to your handler, you will obey your handlers commands, you will not deter them or go wandering about.

  3. You shall avoid metagaming, do not use your dog to gather information in ways that would be unrealistic, unfair, or breaking mechanics.

  4. You shall stay within constraints of what a dog would realistically detect, this would be scents, sounds, drugs, weapons etcetera.

  5. You shall not abuse/overdo emotes that have been provided to you by the menu. This means consistently or periodically doing things for fun, such as taking a shit for comedic purposes, or things you would be trained not to do. Just be realistic. The dog is heavily trained.

    1. This also goes with sexual or stupid emotes, you will not utilize them.

  6. Ensure that you communicate with your handler, this means to mimic canine behavior from real-life. For instance, if you detect something, use appropriate emotes such as barking, growling or sitting. You should remain close to your handler at all times unless given a specific command to search or chase etc.

  7. You shall respect roleplay boundaries, this means if your canine is involved in a tense scene you shall avoid action that could interrupt or disrupt the scene.

  8. Just be mature and professional, you are being entrusted to play as an animal, which has been forbidden for a while, so you should use common sense, act like an animal, act like a dog, be mature, and follow your department's SOP and Auspire Rules at all times.

  • Creation of Title 24

  • Addition of Animal Roleplay (24.1)


Changed Title 21, Section 21.4 From: Section 21.4 Patrol Zone Voting

During a vote for a patrol zone, a member should vote for 1 AOP at a time, to spread out the votes. At no time should one user vote for multiple AOPs. To:

Section 21.4 Patrol Zone Voting

During a vote for a patrol zone, a member should vote for 1 AOP at a time, to spread out the votes. At no time should one user vote for multiple AOPs.

AOP and Voting Schedule shall be followed at all all times. Reference below for the schedule:

  • Monday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Blaine County

  • Tuesday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Los Santos

  • Wednesday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Blaine County

  • Thursday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Los Santos

  • Friday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Blaine County

  • Saturday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Los Santos

  • Sunday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - All


Changed Section 7.1 from

Section 7.1.1 Name Format

First Name Last Initial OR First Initial Last Name, Unit Number (Bob M. 2B-200) Unit Number, | , First Name Last Initial OR First Initial Last Name, Unit Number (2B-200 | Bob M.) To Section 7.1.1 Name Format

First Name Last Initial OR First Initial Last Name, Unit Number (Bob M. 2B-200) Unit Number, | , First Name Last Initial OR First Initial Last Name, Unit Number (2B-200 | Bob M.) Members will have their names match throughout all platform and assets of ARP if they do not match members will be verbally warned once, then follow on Disciplinary Action will follow.


Change SASP to SAHP Jurisdiction Policy from:

San Andreas State Police

Primary Jurisdiction

SASP holds primary jurisdiction over all Freeways and State Routes (Los Santos Fwy, Del Perro Fwy, Polomeno Fwy, La Puerta, Olympic Fwy, Great Ocean Highway, Senora Fwy, and or Route 68)

Secondary Jurisdiction

SASP holds secondary jurisdiction over Blaine County and North of Del Perro FWY.


San Andreas Highway Patrol

Primary Jurisdiction

Primary Jurisdiction: SAHP will take primary responsibility for patrolling and enforcement on all major freeways and state routes. While their primary focus will be on these major highways, they are not restricted from patrolling adjacent areas. In urban areas, particularly within the city, SAHP units should prioritize freeway patrols but may also provide general patrol coverage.

Secondary Jurisdiction

The San Andreas highway patrol will take secondary jurisdiction where ever BCSO/LSPD takes primary to assist them with any calls that are necessary. BCSO will take secondary jurisdiction on all major freeways within Blaine County.

Change BCSO Jurisdiction Policy


Blaine County Sheriff's Office

Primary Jurisdiction

BCSO holds primary jurisdiction over all of Blaine County.

Secondary Jurisdiction

BCSO holds secondary jurisdiction over north of Vinewood.

LCSO holds jurisdiction over Davis, Vinewood, Del Perro, and Rockford Hills.


Primary Jurisdiction

BCSO will take primary responsibility for all county routes within Blaine County. They will be the main authority on these roads and will handle accidents and incidents, particularly through their Traffic Enforcement Unit (TEU). If the TEU is unavailable, SASP will provide support.

Secondary Jurisdiction

BCSO will hold secondary jurisdiction within the city limits of Sandy Shores, Grapeseed, and Paleto Bay, assisting as needed on state routes. BCSO will also share jurisdiction over Davis, Vinewood, Del Perro, and Rockford Hills with LSPD, acting as the Los Santos County Sheriff's Office in these areas. BCSO will also have secondary jurisdiction for patrolling and enforcement on all major freeways and state routes, backing The San Andreas highway patrol with any calls that are necessary.

Change LSPD Jurisdiction Policy


Primary Jurisdiction

LSPD holds primary jurisdiction over the City of Los Santos, and the

county of Los Santos

Secondary Jurisdiction

LSPD holds secondary jurisdiction over Grapeseed, Sandy Shores, and Paleto Bay when applying mutual aid (or for AOP purposes).


Primary Jurisdiction

LSPD will maintain complete primary jurisdiction in the city. We will share jurisdiction with BCSO in all of the main ls districts. LSPD will also initiate traffic stops and work on all freeways and highways in LS however LSPD will not seek out or run radar on these roads, LSPD will only make a stop if on a commute on these roads. LSPD also must be requested if a stop comes off a highway or freeway initiated by SAHP for jurisdiction however we will let SAHP remain primary for the entire scene.

Secondary Jurisdiction

LSPD will have secondary jurisdiction on state and county routes assisting SAHP and BCSO when requested. LSPD will request primary jurisdictional unit when operating out of assigned jurisdiction.


Section 6.8

Changed From: Must present Auspire Roleplay in a positive manner only.


Must represent Auspire Roleplay in a positive manner only.

Section 7.1.1

Changed From : First Name Last Initial OR First Initial Last Name, Unit Number (Bob M. 2B-200)


First Name Last Initial OR First Initial Last Name, Unit Number (Bob M. 2B-200) Unit Number, | , First Name Last Initial OR First Initial Last Name, Unit Number (2B-200 | Bob M. )

Title 10.0

Changed title from Title 10.0 Departmental Training


Title 10.0 Human Resources Training

Section 10.1

Changed verbage from: Each recruit, regardless of department, is required to pass their departmental requirements. Only then may a member join an active patrol with their respective department.


Each recruit, regardless of department, is required to pass Basi Recruit Training provided by the community Human Resources Department. Only then may a member join an active patrol with their respective department.

All formats have been changed. Dropdowns removed.

  • Section 9.3

    • Changed From: Members transferring from one department to another must wait 14 days before requesting a new transfer, unless given Community Management approval. 


      Members transferring from one department to another must wait 30 Days before requesting a new transfer, unless given Community Management approval.

  • Section 19.1

    • Changed From: Members of Auspire Roleplay cannot hold a rank of Junior Administration+ while holding a rank of Junior Administration+ in another community. 


      Members of Auspire Roleplay cannot hold a rank of Senior Staff+ while holding a rank of Senior Staff+ in another community.


Initial Release of New R&R Documentation

Last updated