Title 1: General Regulations

ARP R&R Title 1

- This icon (green dot) indicates that the attached rule is an automatic written warning (also referred to as 10-90).

- This icon (orange dot) indicates that the attached rule is an automatic temporary ban (also referred to as 10-93).

- This icon (red dot) indicates that the attached rule is an automatic community removal.

Section 1.1 Following R&R

All Members, Staff, and Administrator’s are required to follow this document along with any documents released by an Administrator +. In short, this means that you are required to follow any official documentation pertaining to the community or an individual department regardless if it is not mentioned or included in this document.

Section 1.2 Account Responsibility

You are responsible for all of your accounts activities. If a friend or family member, or other, gets on your account and acts inappropriately, you may be subject to punishment.

Section 1.3 Rank Privilege

Any type of rank in the Auspire Roleplay community is considered a privilege. ARP Senior Administration + reserve the right to remove and/or add people to any rank.

Section 1.4 Forming a Group

Forming a group that restricts any member from joining is strictly prohibited; you will be held liable for this section and Section A.2 of the ARP Rules and Regulations.

Section 1.4 Intoxication

Any member who has consumed any form of an intoxicant (I.e. Alcohol, Prescription Pills) shall not connect to any Official ARP entity, including but not limited to, the GTA Online server, Teamspeak, and/or Discord.

Section 1.5 Active Membership

All persons who maintain an active membership within ARP automatically accept the Rules, Regulations, and Policies set forth in this and other documents. No signature is required, as an active member, you hereby agree to the Rules, Regulations, and Policies set forth. Rules, Regulation, and Policies are subject to change without prior notice.

Section 1.6 Pending Investigation

Any member who is under investigation, or pending disciplinary action from any staff member or higher, may not leave the channel (TeamSpeak and/or Discord) unless told otherwise (with exception of real life emergencies).

Section 1.7 Chain of Command

Ensure to always follow the chain of command as listed here

Section 1.7.1 Skipping Ranks

Do not skip ranks, even if the next ranking member can solve the problem. Members may skip a level of CoC if their issue pertains to a member of CoC, or if they are told to do so.

Section 1.7.2 Department COC

Department CoC is to be followed, even if you are not affiliated with such department.

Last updated