Title 9: AOP and Patrol Zones

ARP R&R Title 9

- This icon (green dot) indicates that the attached rule is an automatic written warning (also referred to as 10-90).

- This icon (orange dot) indicates that the attached rule is an automatic temporary ban (also referred to as 10-93).

- This icon (red dot) indicates that the attached rule is an automatic community removal.

Section 9.1 AOP

AOP (Area of Patrol) is to be decided by the highest ranking member within the patrol. If there is more than one member in patrol with the equivalent highest rank (i.e Sheriff and Chief of Police are online), they must agree on the AOP.

Section 9.2 Adhering to AOP

While playing in Auspire Roleplay, adhere to the designated Area of Play (AOP). Remain within AOP during active scenes. If AOP shifts while in a scene, you may conclude it before relocating. Avoid requesting AOP changes or teleporting to it, unless switching characters through the framework. For valid reasons to be outside AOP, seek approval from Staff+ in the Main Discord #support channel.

Section 9.3 Patrol Zones

Only one Patrol Zone may be selected at a time if under 15 players are online. At 15-32 active players, the AOP can be expanded to two patrol zones. At 32+ players, the AOP can be expanded to City or County Wide Zones (Refer to Extra Key on the map). At 48+ players, the AOP can be expanded to a statewide patrol. Discretion is advised.

Section 9.4 Patrol Zone References

Our Patrol Zones (Map Reference) Main Key Expanded Key

1 - Davis & Surrounding 1 - 4 - Los Santos

2 - Vespucci & Downtown 5, 6A & 6B - Blaine County

3- Mirror Park & Industrial

4 - Vinewood

5 - Sandy Shores & Surrounding

6A- Paleto & Surrounding

6B - Paleto Extension

Section 9.5 Patrol Zone Schedule and Voting

During a vote for a patrol zone, a member should vote for 1 AOP at a time, to spread out the votes. At no time should one user vote for multiple AOPs. Any Vote will be announced Up to 30 Minutes before patrol by a Staff Member.

AOP and Voting Schedule shall be followed at all all times. Reference below for the schedule:

  • Monday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Blaine County - No Vote

  • Tuesday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Los Santos - No Vote

  • Wednesday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Blaine County - No Vote

  • Thursday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Los Santos - No Vote

  • Friday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Blaine County - No Vote

  • Saturday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - Los Santos - No Vote

  • Sunday: 7:30 PM EST

    • Location - All Vote

Last updated