Title 6: Activity, Inactivity and Resignation

ARP R&R Title 6

- This icon (green dot) indicates that the attached rule is an automatic written warning (also referred to as 10-90).

- This icon (orange dot) indicates that the attached rule is an automatic temporary ban (also referred to as 10-93).

- This icon (red dot) indicates that the attached rule is an automatic community removal.

Section 6.1 Ability to removal

Administrator’s obtain the ability to remove any member for inactivity if that member fails to meet the following criteria below:

  • Does not complete department training (or ride along)

  • Inactivity without an LOA

Section 6.1.1 Inactivity

Members who are inactive on Teamspeak for a period greater than one month will be reached out to over Discord by a head of their CoC or a Community Management. If such a member fails to provide a valid Leave Of Absence notice and/or does not respond to inquiries into their inactivity Department Heads and Community Management reserves the right to remove such member.

Section 6.2 LOA's

If a member is going to be away from ARP for an extended period of time, they must fill out an LOA request using the form in our Discord under the #links channel.

Section 6.3 Minimum Activity Requirements

All members are required to clock at least 4 hours a month to be considered to be "Active" Within the community. Please Refer to department polices for more information about your department.

Section 6.4 Intention to Leave Notification

Members who wish to leave ARP voluntarily are encouraged to notify their CoC or the Community Management CoC of their intent to leave.

Section 6.4.1 Improper Resignation

Improper Resignation is leaving an ARP Asset (Discord/Website) without informing your Chain of Command. This is perceived as disrespectful and is heavily frowned upon and will likely cause issues upon you wishing to return to ARP. Depending on the case given, members who improperly resign will have to wait 30 days to rejoin, as well as appeal their ban.

Last updated